Summer Beauty Wish List
Hey Guys,
As it nears to summer I am getting more and more excited for it, so I thought to get myself in the mood I would make a wish list. And I'm going to apologise now for not posting in a while as we got busy with school but I promise to get better. I also realised that we reached 2000 page views! thank you guys for that and it is just as much your achievement as ours so keep spreading the word! :)
first off is a good skincare. it is so important to treat your skin properly and I cant stress this enough. these are the products that i use and highly recommend, there is many different products for each skin type and they also have many different varieties of them. You can find the whole selection
The next thing is a good hand cream. it is just as important keep your hands moisturised in summer as it is in winter. it is a cute package and it also comes in two different sizes which is convenient. I haven't had this one in particular but i sampled it at the shops and it was really good so it is definitely on my list of things to buy this summer. I put the link
Right next to moisturised hands is a moisturised body and one of my favourite things is chocolate so naturally smelling like a cadbury bar and feeling soft is a great mixture. I also haven't actually bought the but i sampled it also and it smells ah-mazing!
Moving on to make up a good BB cream is good because it gives enough coverage while being light so that your skin feels and looks more natural. It feels weird at first because it is a lot lighter on your skin but once you get used to it it is a great alternative. this one in particular is for oily skin and I hate having to buy special products but this one is definitely worth it. you can find it
here or the non-oily version

I find in summer that I tend to just use concealer rather then doing a full face to keep it more natural looking and so that my skin doesn't get to sweaty as it normally does in Australia. These concealers in particular are great because they match perfectly and they have just the right amount of coverage. although the second picture is the eye brightener I tend to use it with the corrector and also on spots as I find it is easier to blend some people choose nit to do that but it is up to you. these are a pricier option but you can find them both
here. You can also find similar things
here and
For my lips in summer i tend not to wear lipstick however if i do i use nude unless I'm going out somewhere at night. this one is from mac but you can find them at every drugstore in many varieties my advice is to try it against your skin tone due to the fact that it can look silly if it is too light or dark. The link is
The last thing on my list is a lip balm. this one is very good because it gives all the protection while giving off a shine. I either use
this or
paw paw cream for everyday.
Thank you guys for reading this, I had fun making it and i hoped you enjoyed reading it and the weather is starting to look up so that means outfit photos. Also watch this space because recently me and Sara have bee planning a youtube account so stay tuned for more info.